No hace ni una semana que hemos vuelto de la primera ronda de vacaciones de este verano y ya estamos casi preparando las maletas para la próxima...California! Hay mil cosas que organizar antes de irnos, y por tener...¡no tenemos ni pasaportes! He empezado a hacer listas mentales pero creo que va siendo hora de ponerlas en papel...
Y pensando en papel precisamente me he acordado de mi primer viaje a Londres, del que guardé absolutamente todo en un cuaderno que debe andar por casa de mi madre. Cuando es un viaje tan emocionante acabas guardando desde los tickets de los restaurantes a los billetes de metro, y ¿qué mejor forma de organizarlos que en un diario de viaje? Cuando pienso en uno solo veo una Moleskine negra por llenar, aunque opciones hay miles... y por supuesto están todas en Pinterest. Esta se parece bastante a lo que recuerdo de mi cuaderno londinense:
Me parece que organizar tus vivencias, sitios favoritos y recuerdos en un libro es una idea genial que luego se puede compartir con los demás, a parte de ser un recuerdo precioso de un viaje. Hay quien tiene mucha maña y hasta dibuja en lugar de poner fotos. ¡Yo quizás me anime a alguna acuarela con mi pequeño kit! En cualquier caso se trata de juntar anotaciones de cosas curiosas con lo que te apetezca recordar para compartir más tarde.
Precisamente en la primera ronda de las vacaciones llegó a mis manos este libro escrito por una amiga de mi madre. Ella empezó escribiendo notas acerca del viaje y al final resultó tan completo (y divertido, todo sea dicho) que acabó escribiendo un libro sobre la Ruta 66. Nos lo hemos leído durante las tardes de playa de estos días y os puedo decir que es contagioso y hemos añadido la Ruta a nuestra lista de viajes pendientes...
![drinks, trip, bar, scrapbook, notebook, travel journal drinks, trip, bar, scrapbook, notebook, travel journal](
It hasn't been a week since we got back from our first round of summer holidays and we're almost packing for the next one...California! There are a thousand things to organise before leaving, note the fact that we don't even have our passports ready! I have started making mental to-do lists but I think its about time to put them down in paper...
Speaking of paper I remembered my first trip to London, when I gathered all my memorabilia in a cute notebook that should be somewhere around my mom's. When its such an exciting trip you end up keeping from restaurant to public transport tickets and, is there a better way to organize them than a travel journal? When I think about one I picture a black Moleskine ready to be filled in, but there are a million options ... and they're all of course in Pinterest.
Putting together your experiences, favorite places and memories in a book it's a great idea that you can later share with everyone else and still keep a beautiful memory for yourself. There are lots of skillful people that even draw instead of putting pictures. I might even try some watercolouring with my little kit! In any case its all about writing down the curiosities and whatever you'd like to remember to share with others later on. Conveniently, during our first round of holidays, this book reached my hands, written by one of my mom's friends. She started making little notes about the trip and it finally turned out to be so complete (and funny!) that she ended up writing a book about the Route 66. We read it during the beach afternoons and I must say its contagious and we have added Route 66 to our pending trips...
About the travel journal, the most practical and ideal thing for me would be having time everyday to write everything while its still fresh. Wouldn't it be nice to sit down and have a drink while summing up the day? It would be great to finish the trip and have something like this, but I know that we are going to be way too tired and this might be quite a challenge. I guess there's always the option to wait to come back home and create a scrapbooking masterpiece, but I still think that the chaos and spontaneity of writing daily is more charming. Do you like the idea?
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